SAP QM: Optimization and Redesign

Continuously adapting and improving Quality Management

To remain competitive in today’s market, quality management (QM) is essential, as it ensures the expected high level of product and service quality. Only an effective QM system guarantees that companies meet customer requirements, comply with legal regulations and standards, and continuously improve internal processes. However, as these requirements constantly change, quality management in a company should not be seen as a static system—nor should the SAP QM module. Leveraging it for the benefit of the company involves analyzing evolving requirements and ideally incorporating them into SAP QM. The key to successful quality management is embracing this dynamism and turning it into continuous process improvement that adds value across all associated SAP processes. it-motive supports you in optimizing and redesigning QM processes.


What does Optimization mean?

Optimization involves fixing known errors and inadequacies or improving details within existing QM processes to increase efficiency, accuracy, and consistency. Common measures include eliminating redundant steps, automating manual tasks, or implementing best practices into these processe

Wath does Re-Design mean?

Redesign takes optimization a step further: it involves re-conceptualizing and reshaping a QM process from the ground up. This may be necessary if the existing QM processes no longer meet current requirements or if new technologies or business practices need to be integrated.

How we support you in conceptualizing and implementing Optimizations and ReDesigns:

  • Analysis: it-motive supports you in analyzing existing quality management processes, bringing a helpful external perspective and in-depth knowledge of SAP QM to implement even complex processes as close to the standard as possible.
  • Conceptualization: Discuss and develop your QM optimization strategy with our experienced QM process experts.
  • Implementation Expertise: Leverage the knowledge and best-practice solutions of consultants who have successfully implemented numerous optimization and redesign projects.

Guidance: When is Optimization or Redesign appropriate?

  • When the usability of current QM processes and systems needs improvement.
  • When new legal or industry-specific requirements need to be integrated into the quality management system.
  • When SAP QM needs deeper integration with development, production, logistics, or even accounting.
  • When costs need to be reduced, efficiency increased, and product quality enhanced.
  • When data consistency and integrity in QM need improvement.

Our Approach:

Experience shows that a structured and methodical approach is essential for successful optimization or redesign. We typically address a series of points, focusing on empowering you to make the regular optimization of your QM processes a lived routine.

Do you have questions about our approach or the optimization or redesign of your quality management?

We are happy to assist you.



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